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  • Phibrows

    What Is Phibrows?

    Phibrows is a manual, semi-permanent, tattoo technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow strokes.

    Mimicking the natural eyebrow hair and drawing the strokes in the same direction to achieve a beautiful natural appearance. Some would say it's one of the most natural-looking eyebrow techniques in the world.

    People suffering from alopecia, Trichotillomania, or any other condition that causes hair loss can greatly benefit from microblading as well as people who simply are not happy with their eyebrow shape, thickness, or length. Sparse gaps can also be completely restored. Your brows will not appear too heavy as the healed results fade to a more natural colour after the healing process as the ink is deposited under the skin and not on top of the skin. It will create a beautifully natural result that you can wake up with every morning.

    The microblading treatment is a two-part process. The first process is to design your new brows and to deposit the first insertion of pigment. This session includes face mapping, brow measuring, disinfecting the area to be treated, and microblading of the brows. This appointment can take up to 3.5+ hours from start to finish.

    The second part of the process is the touch-up session. Usually, this takes place between four and six weeks depending on how quickly your skin heals. It also usually takes this amount of time for the pigment to re-surface. 10% - 15% of the strokes are lost after the first session, and


    depending on the factors this percentage can be relatively higher, as high as 80%, so the touch-up session is used to go over lost strokes, adjusting the shape back to its original planned design, or just filling in the missing gaps, where strokes may have been lost. The touch-up session is usually a shorter appointment, as it consists of re-blading the lost strokes. (Unless the shape is lost then I will face map and measure the brows) If the skin is oily, several touch-ups may be needed as the pigment retention is shorter for those with oily skin.

    The treatment is done by using a sterile, disposable tool. The tool consists of various amounts of stainless-steel, fine, single needles arranged closely together, creating the blade, used during treatment. The pigment is deposited, with this tool, into the epidermis, on to the surface layer of the dermis just below the basal layer. The cells of the basal layer continuously divide, the pigment is then broken down and eventually migrates to the surface causing the pigment to fade away after around 6

    -18 months. (depending on many factors such as the skin type, lifestyle, aftercare, age, skin thickness and the skins natural production of melanin and more)

    The shape Is determined by the natural facial morphology and anatomy of the face. Using the natural brow bone as a guide, as to where the brow needs to be placed and taking into consideration the client's preferability of length and thickness. In order to give the face its symmetry and accurate measurements for both brows, I use the golden mean ratio. The phibrows application Is used with its own built-in measuring features. Alongside this, I use a tool, manually, called the phibrow compass, and sometimes the string method. The eyebrows are measured out before the treatment and are done

    So while the client's eyes are closed because in this way the 'mimic' muscles on the face are relaxed. Giving a much more accurate position of the drawn-on brow. The treatment will only be carried out once the client is 100% happy with the shape, length, and thickness of the brows we have drawn.

    The pigment colour is usually determined by the natural brow and hair colour, this is simply because our skin tone influences the pigments healed colour. Depending on the amount of natural melanin our skin produces, this usually has an impact on the final healed results.

    For your peace of mind, PHI have their own Phi-physicians that specialize in skin, skin diseases/conditions along with medication knowledge so any concerns can be discussed before your treatment as well as consulting your own doctor for approval if needed.

  • Εμφάνιση όλων των υπηρεσιών 5

  • Phibrows - Consultation

    30 λεπτά, £0,00

  • Phibrows - 1st Treatment

    3 ώρες, £150,00

  • Phibrows - 2nd Treatment

    1 ώρα, £100,00

  • Phibrows - Additional Treatments

    1 ώρα, £50,00

  • Phibrows - Annual Top Up (Existing Clients Only)

    1 ώρα 30 λεπτά, από £120,00

  • Υπηρεσίες

  • Εμφάνιση όλων των υπηρεσιών 6

  • Signature HYBRID Brows


    (New Clients require patch test 48 hours prior to treatment)  
    Hybrid brows, also known as fusion or combo brows, are a type of eyebrow coloring that uses a special tint to dye the brow hairs and stain the skin beneath them. This technique creates a defined, structured look that can make brows appear fuller and deeper, similar to powder brows. Hybrid brows can be customized for each person and can last up to six weeks for the hair and ten days for the skin. 

    45 λεπτά, £20,00

  • HD Brow Sculpt

    HD BrowSculpt is a brow lamination 

    Brow Lamination 

    New clients require patch test 24 hours prior to treatment 

    Brow lamination aka 'fluffy brows' is perfect for creating a naturally fuller thicker brow. This is achieved by vertical straightening the hair using a perming solution and lifting the brows. Excellent corrective treatment for coarse unruly brows that tend to grow in opposite directions making them more uniformed

    1 ώρα, £35,00

  • Air Lift Lash Lift and Tint

    A patch test is required 48 hours prior to booking

    A lash lift and tint opens up your eyes and adds length and body to your lashes. Say goodbye to your eyelash curler. A lash lift (also called lash perm) shapes and curls your lashes and offers semi-permanent hold.

    1 ώρα, £35,00

  • Patch Test

    Required at least 48 hours prior to all Lash Lift, Signature Hybrid Brows and HD BrowSculpt appointments. Applicable to NEW clients or if you haven’t visited The CULT Brows in at least 6 months.

    15 λεπτά, £0,00

  • Brow Sculpt Maintenance (ONLY for B’sculpt In Last 4-6 Weeks)

    For BrowSculpt clients only. A 4 week maintenance appointment in between BrowSculpts.

    45 λεπτά, £15,00

  • Junior Brow Wax (Under 16)

    Wax and shape for clients under 16

    30 λεπτά, £10,00

  • 0 επιλεγμένες υπηρεσίες

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